Original Radioactive Jam

Just a dollop, on a donut with SPAM® Spread* ==>==>==> We've moved!

Saturday, May 14, 2005


Not exactly a surprise, but -

Quick-checking Yahoo's "In The News" shortlist of headlines this morning, two items caught my (admittedly shortlived) attention. Since these articles get relocated, I'm not "linking" them; if you're interested in their content you can of course look 'em up.

Where was I? Oh yeah, article titles. These two:
New nuclear battery lasts 12 years
Esquire slowly revealing 'sexiest woman alive'

Which of these two do you suppose would be more interesting to a "typical" heterosexual male? The second one seems the obvious choice. But what happens if said male is also an engineer, whose browser history is dominated by sites like slashdot.org and thinkgeek.com?

Yeah. The battery, with almost no mental debate. And I don't have an overloud car-stereo to blame, either. Curses!

Believe it or not, my wife might feel somewhat ambivalent when I tell her about this...

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