Original Radioactive Jam

Just a dollop, on a donut with SPAM® Spread* ==>==>==> We've moved!

Friday, September 30, 2005

Spamments: trick, or treat?

45 Emissions:

Blogger anaglyph emitted...

Erk. My brain is expoding... is this SPAM FROM THE FUTURE now? Oh god. You've opened up a wormhole RJ. We're all going to perish on the Event Horizon of Mortgage Schemes and Penis Enlargement Pills from Neverwhen. Must... reach... lever... and... turn... it... off...

9/09/2005 09:11:00 PM  
Blogger Bill C emitted...

It... could... work! MUWAHAHAHAHA! I think it's actually going to work!

9/09/2005 09:39:00 PM  
Blogger anaglyph emitted...

Hey, Mel is cool - he allows you to delete his spamment... How polite.

I wonder if he has any concept at all that he's participating in an inter-dimensional time-slip experiment. Is this the kind of experiment that could end up with him getting a fly's head grafted to his body? Nah, I guess that's just wistful thinking...

9/10/2005 12:01:00 AM  
Blogger Jenni emitted...

This experiment is just beyond me.

You have created a vortexed portal for trapping future spam.

It's completely splangled.

9/10/2005 07:44:00 AM  
Blogger Jenni emitted...

Although I must say I'm in your future.

Now that's splangled too.

This comment will be posted about 8.45Am Sat 10 September for you but it's 10.45Pm Sat 10 September here.

9/10/2005 07:45:00 AM  
Blogger Bill C emitted...

Anaglyph - I suspect Mel already sports a fly's head. Or perhaps he's an ordinary pinhead with a fly's brain. Either way...

Jen - I'm thinking the words "splangled spamments" belong together. And your 14-hour head-start encourages me; makes it hard for my world to end today. Because how would the Sydney news report it? "The world will end yesterday?" I think not.

9/10/2005 08:24:00 AM  
Blogger anaglyph emitted...

This is SUCH a cool idea RJ, I really wish I'd thought of it. You are a genius. OTOH, while the experiment runs, you're getting spamments on everything else too I bet...

Yours from The Future.

9/11/2005 05:59:00 AM  
Blogger Bill C emitted...

Anaglyph - from what I'm seeing you'd lose the bet. In case it isn't clear yet, that's the "secret," the spamment behavior I've noticed; hence this experiment. The future date simply keeps this pseudo-post first.

As long as the behavior continues, spamment problem is minimized. All the crap goes in this bucket, I periodically empty it and start again.

And I suppose now we'll learn if any spammenters actually read blogs and/or comments. I bet not...

9/11/2005 07:56:00 AM  
Blogger anaglyph emitted...

Aha! You're doubly a genius. I wondered why I didn't have to clean up my entire blog when I got spammed. Fantastic idea! The Cow salutes you!

9/11/2005 03:22:00 PM  
Blogger Nadia emitted...

Um. I don't get it.

9/11/2005 10:18:00 PM  
Blogger Syar emitted...

wow. like flies to honey. is that the right insect and sugary-substance pairing? I don't know.

I'm way behind on the spamments phenomenon. But whatever it is, seems to be working.

9/12/2005 12:16:00 AM  
Blogger Bill C emitted...

Anaglyph - mental image: The Cow standing on three legs, hoof to forehead. Anatomically improbable? Ah, but this is no ordinary cow. (thanks!)

Nadia - I've been somewhat vague because I don't know if spamments are left by people-at-keyboards or 'bots. I'll stop by your weblog and explain.

Syar - a fine pairing. And yes, so far so good.

9/12/2005 06:18:00 AM  
Blogger ScroobiousScrivener emitted...

Spamments are definitely bots. Just as the "blogs" they're advertising are bots. I'll spare you the moral dilemma of visiting one to investigate: they are collections of links to other things, collected by bots, all for the sake of attracting hits to fuel the adsense revenue. I've read a number of articles about it lately but it still seems really bizarre to me. Comments about nothing, to bring you to a blog about nothing, to scam some ad cash. Wonders of modern technology, eh?

But I can't for the life of me figure out how you're trapping them. It's utterly brilliant. How how how?

9/12/2005 07:44:00 AM  
Blogger Bill C emitted...

Scroobious - have you ever seen spamment appear in any post other than current 1st?

9/12/2005 08:08:00 AM  
Blogger ScroobiousScrivener emitted...


I'm still amazed at just how many you're getting. It's like you have a little spamment honeypot hiding in here somewhere. I've only had about two in my entire life. This is outrageous.

No, I'm not jealous. Really. Not.

9/12/2005 12:58:00 PM  
Blogger Bill C emitted...

My plan is to have this non-post become a fixture - think "commode" - as the first item on the page. Real visitors* can ignore it, spamments will accumulate, and I'll periodically "flush" 'em just for the satisfaction of doing so.

* Real virtual visitors, of course. As opposed to... er. My brain is starting to hurt.

9/12/2005 01:31:00 PM  
Blogger J Incarnate emitted...

Jam, I hope you don't mind me doing this on your blog, but I would like the novelty, if only for a little while. All spammers and advertisers are welcome to comment on my most recent blog! Come to my blog.

9/12/2005 04:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous emitted...


9/12/2005 04:16:00 PM  
Blogger glo emitted...

Don't know what's scarier...the amount of spam, or the amount of commenting related to spamming. If the spammers disappeared, would Blogland cease to be???

9/12/2005 06:40:00 PM  
Blogger Nadia emitted...

Unforgetable Mens Sandals! Clearly, these bots are not clued in on your Converse...issues.

9/12/2005 07:15:00 PM  
Blogger Syar emitted...

this is crazy. also, just so you know, once I dropped by your blog I went by to my blog and waiting for me were two fresh spamments, the first I've ever gotten (one of which I deleted out of pure confusion). did the magic of your trap here rub off on me or something? freaky.

9/12/2005 08:32:00 PM  
Blogger anaglyph emitted...

Scroobius: I only started getting them recently too. First one or two and then a couple of days back it was like they all discovered me at once. I suspect the bots talk to one another and exchange info on active sites. Who knows how these despicable people work?

Oh, and I observe here that Jedith is weird - there's a competition to GET spam? OMG. You can have ALL mine.

FWIW, I got some 'Sai Baba' (religious nutters) spam which I'm pretty sure was not a bot. It makes sense - these people have been known to launch massive recruitment programs in other media. They just have a lot of nutters.

9/12/2005 11:32:00 PM  
Blogger Bill C emitted...

I started to flush the commode, so to speak, then decided to wait.

Glo - it *is* strange. Apparently, less post-content = more interesting comment-thread. I'm not sure I like what that implies. :-O

Nadia - and yet I worry; did this one arrive because a spambot "sniffed" my shoes? So to speak.

Syar - I knew this was coming. It's going to be all *my* fault somehow.

Anaglyph - a bot info exchange is both likely and scary. Maybe it *is* time to flush the commode. As for Jedith... I don't know. Maybe it's like, a hot summer day, people are getting pelted with water balloons but I'm still dry. And hot. So I might want to get hit with one or two.

Non-bot spamments might disrupt my experiment, so we don't want any of that.

9/13/2005 06:36:00 AM  
Blogger anaglyph emitted...

I think you should flush the commode from time to time but leave the spamment trap running. Then, when we read back over our comments it will have this strange surreal ambience that onle WE will understand. This could be the best experiment since the beginning of blogdom. I think you should aim for 1 MILLION comments.

9/14/2005 03:25:00 AM  
Blogger Bill C emitted...

Anaglyph - I like the way you think; surreal ambience is one of my favorite flavors. Wonder if I could add an odometer-style comment counter just for this post? One million... D'Oh! I already deleted 8 or 10 spamments...

9/14/2005 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous emitted...

Hey, love your blog! I have one too. Come and check it out if you get time :-)

It's a who are indigo child site/blog. It pretty much covers who are indigo child related stuff.

9/14/2005 05:02:00 PM  
Blogger glo emitted...

It does make you feel a little unnecessary...like the spambot should give up commenting and start writing blogs...eventually, it would be world famous and the rest of us would just lick our wounds and cry a little as our clever dialogue goes unnoticed...but I love you, Jam! Please post soon!

9/14/2005 06:18:00 PM  
Blogger Bill C emitted...

Um... Glo? This post has the newest date, but it's not really even a post. The newer ones are dated older than this one. I *have* been posting... okay it's been Krispy Kreme and Spam week, sure, but they kind of resemble posts.

9/14/2005 08:13:00 PM  
Blogger anaglyph emitted...

I wonder if the dating thing effects RSS update info or ATOM feeds? If you have a more recent post, will less recent posts get notified on the RSS feeds? Just a thought - I don't monitor much on RSS updates.

9/15/2005 05:58:00 AM  
Blogger Bill C emitted...

Anaglyph - in Firefox the ATOM feed shows this post as the newest. But it also lists every post on a site's "front" page, so... I don't know. Maybe I could change this post's time-stamp when a new one goes up?

9/15/2005 06:55:00 AM  
Blogger J Incarnate emitted...

That SPAM looked good, if it were served to cockroaches that is!

9/15/2005 04:50:00 PM  
Blogger Bill C emitted...

Normally I don't "respond" to spamments, but anonymous says the stuff posted here will make him/her BM for sure. Anybody else have that happen when they visit here? Because I don't know if I should be disgusted or try for e-fiber venture capital...

9/18/2005 09:22:00 PM  
Blogger anaglyph emitted...

Arrrrr! It be a mighty fine blog ye be sailin' here Jim lad. Ye might like ter set yer sails to me own blog over at Cap'n Pete's. It's a blog fer lubbers such as yeself. There be wenches & cabin boys & all manner of interestin' affairs! Avast ye and belay and head on over t' Cap'n Pete's fer a whale of a time!!!!!!!!! Arrrrrrr!!!!!!

9/19/2005 05:39:00 PM  
Blogger Bill C emitted...

A fine bit of wordsmithy Cap'n; a dem fine show. Aye, yer a man worthy of his command. Here's to clear skies, favorable winds and safe havens. Arrrh!

9/19/2005 08:53:00 PM  
Blogger anaglyph emitted...

Wow, that one's great - segue from Katrina to Russian Brides - smooth. Geddit? Katrina... Russian brides...

And a metaphor sailing under the surface -> world's lone superpower... This is one sophisticated spamment!

9/25/2005 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous emitted...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9/28/2005 07:28:00 AM  
Blogger Badger emitted...

Sen. Talent's speeches go online with podcasts
Finally, something you can download to your iPod that is perfectly legal. This week Sen ... It's an effort to communicate with Missourians in an innovative way," said Rich Chrismer, Talent's spokesman.
Hi, I'm new at Blogging and websites and found you! Like your Blog. If you're interested, go see my business email hosting related site. Just in the creating stage and I'm still working on it but you may still find something of interest.

9/30/2005 12:45:00 PM  
Blogger anaglyph emitted...

Sen? Who the hell is Sen?

9/30/2005 02:38:00 PM  
Blogger Bill C emitted...

I think there's maybe some missing details, lost in time...
...for us to not see them.

I consider the Katrina / superpower / Russian bride thing to be one of the best I've received. Wish they were *all* so content-rich. A regular paradigm setter. Shifter. Whatever.

Speaking of time warps, I just got an email from "Neal," subject: Actual News. MWIS Special Situation Report. Date? Dec. 31, 1969. Which is interesting since the predominant firmware-based 00:00:00 date/timestamp for PCs is Jan. 1, 1970. Basically the message CANNOT exist, yet there it sits, new and fresh in my inbox. With my luck it's some kind of limited-time offer.

Or a stock tip, like buy lots of Apple and Microsoft 15 years down the road.

Can you say "buffer overflow?" I knew you could.

9/30/2005 06:49:00 PM  
Blogger anaglyph emitted...

Time Buffer Overflow! TBO ou heard it here first!

10/01/2005 04:35:00 PM  
Blogger anaglyph emitted...

It's great to log on here and read all the mindless spam I'm missing out on. Does anyone EVER click on these links, I wonder...?

" I LOVE your blog its so cool. My blog about HAIR LOSS is great too, I hope you visit..."

Oh. Wow, their blog must be cool. It's about hair loss and I could CARE LESS. But I'll log on anyway.


10/06/2005 02:28:00 AM  
Blogger Bill C emitted...

I do in fact want all the boys to notice my hair night prom style. Oh, the humanity!

I also like Sonny M.'s offerings on anxiety; "it isn't anything special." Someone should direct Sonny M. to a site for LOSERS with LOW SELF-ESTEEM.

10/06/2005 06:15:00 AM  
Blogger anaglyph emitted...

It's all here isn't it. The tragedy and the pathos of human existence.

BTW, you should see my new hair night prom style!

(They've invented a language too - I mean, what is that? Hair Night Prom Style?? Do they mean Prom Night Hairstyle? How can anyone be quite so dyslexic over and over? And with links too?)

10/09/2005 04:25:00 PM  
Blogger Bill C emitted...

Okay that last one is either a masterpiece of subtlety or something mis-copied from Spam For Dummies. I'm leaning toward the former because it might confirm something I suspect: spamments exist to place links not for people, but for auto-scanning counters.

If true, am I doing a bad thing by letting them continue to exist? I'm not sure. Is someone stupid enough to *pay* to have such links dropped into existence? Probably.

Too bad they're not paying us.

10/09/2005 07:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous emitted...


11/01/2005 11:25:00 PM  

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